According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), rollover is the leading cause of death in forklift accidents, accounting for 25% of fatal accidents.
It is estimated that 11% of forklifts in the United States are involved in an accident each year and 42% of fatal accidents result from the driver jumping out of the overturning vehicle and being crushed.
In a rollover situation, the instinctive urge to jump out of the vehicle is very strong, even though it is safest to stay inside to avoid being crushed. And that’s why the seat belt has the function of keeping the driver in his seat in case the forklift overturns.
In Spain, Royal Decree 1215/1997 includes the minimum provisions to limit the risks of overturning in forklifts:
- Installation of a cab for the driver.
- A structure that prevents the forklift from tipping over.
- A structure that ensures that, in the event of a forklift truck overturning, there is sufficient space for the transported worker or workers between the ground and certain parts of the forklift.
- A structure that keeps the worker or workers on the driver’s seat and prevents them from being trapped by parts of the overturned truck.
So next time you’re riding your forklift, don’t forget to buckle up – you never know when you’ll be tempted to jump.